Fitzwater Friends & Relations

Friends in Low Places - And High Places Too!

March 27, 2023

We had a local contractor and his crew put up the “weather-tight shell” of our house here on The Ridge.  The first time he came up to our property Jim showed him around and gave him a little background on the place.  The tour included all the improvements we have made over the years: The Shack, our picnic shelter, the wash house and the barn. After taking it all in, the contractor stopped, stood still for a moment, and with his thumbs hooked in the pockets of his jeans, looked at Jim and asked skeptically,

“So you’ve done all this yourself?”

“Yes,” Jim answered, “with a lot of help from our friends.”  After another long pause, and an almost imperceptible nod of his head, the contractor said,

“You must have some really good friends.”

“Yes, we do,” Jim replied.

There is a very special couple who we couldn’t do the work on Runaway Ridge without.  And without whom the process would not be nearly as much fun.

This September will mark ten years since Rob and Kirsten first came up to Runaway Ridge.  Rob is an architect, like Jim, and also a fellow University of Cincinnati Alumni.  Rob’s “no fear” attitude has been invaluable when it has come to scaling the heights required for the construction of roofs, putting drywall on a ceiling two stories up, working from scaffolding and walking the structure of a new barn.  He can nap almost anywhere at any time.  His skills as a former Scoutmaster come into “play” when any children are on The Ridge.  He tells a mean Dad joke and has a great laugh. Jim relies on Rob for his thought process and approach to problem solving as much as assisting with the physical work.

Kirsten grew up in Montana and has a special place in her memories, and in her heart, for rural country getaway property.  She is a quiet observer; an attribute that serves her well in one of her favorite pastimes up on The Ridge, birdwatching.  One of her mountain “wish list” experiences came true a few years ago when a mother bear and her cubs sauntered across the field in front of our house.  Kirsten is an expert on tv, movie and actors trivia.  She’s a voracious reader with a special interest in Fantasy and Magical Realism genres.  Kirsten and I know a lot about each other and know we have each other’s backs.

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