
Our Dreams Become Their Heritage

April 5, 2023

Runaway Ridge has been from the start, and continues to be, a special, treasured place for our family.  We bought it when our older son was 3 and I was pregnant with our younger son.  They have grown up coming to this place.

The opportunity for Northern Virginia metropolitan kids to experience a little taste of rural country life was priceless.

Both of our sons say that spending time on Runaway Ridge has had a significant impact on their lives.  They have expressed their desire to keep this land in the family for future generations.

This family history, and the hope for a family future, is the inspiration and motivation for the creation of the house that is currently under construction on The Ridge.

We are putting our heart and soul - blood, sweat and tears - and as our future daughter-in-law put it, our DNA, into it.

Creating a legacy project, a building to give shelter and joy to our offspring (and maybe even their offspring) is an interesting process.  Bringing a structure out of the ground, investing in the quality of its construction, designing the systems for relative energy independence, creating spaces to provide comfort, adding the details for delight and doing it all with full knowledge that your intention is to have it outlive you, is a humbling, frustrating, fascinating, difficult, wonderful experience - filled with love.  Here’s to the future of Runaway Ridge!

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