RR Construction

Sometimes the Tail Wags the Dog

March 31, 2023

See this little duplex outlet?

Well, for all the planning and forethought we have put into so many little details in the house up on Runaway Ridge, every now and then something comes up that has an unexpected consequence… It turns out that the location of this duplex outlet established the maximum height of the wainscot in the Loft Bathroom.  It’s not too far off what we would have done anyway, but it gave us all a moment's pause and then a chuckle when we realized the ramifications of its placement.  It hadn’t really occurred to us when all that was there was the stud framed wall!

This picture shows the nook for the sink unit.  You’ll see why the trim is doubled up around the sink unit as we go along with the final finishes and details of this room.  The shower stall is tucked into the space just off camera to the left in this photo.

The trim is PVC so that we don’t have to worry about moisture affecting wood in the bathroom.  The brown flakeboard called OSB (oriented strand board) will be covered with FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) panels that have a beadboard pattern embossed on them. FRP is a product we used in our outdoor washhouse facilities.  It’s easy to install and maintain.  We will be using it in the main bathroom of this house and it’s already in the bathroom on the lower floor.

Here’s a little more information about those two products for your reference:



Here is the view of the part of the room where the toilet will be and the little angled ceiling shower stall is just peaking at you on the right.

Stay tuned!  We’re really close to hooking up all these fixtures and having a working bathroom on the bedroom level of the house!  Can’t wait to not have to go up and down two flights of stairs for a potty break in the middle of the night!

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